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Airline Miles Calculators

Calculate airline credit card earnings per £1 spent, miles value, point transfers to Frequent Flyer programs and more with our Airline Miles Calculators.
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Airline credit cards miles calculators

There are only a few co-branded airline credit cards available in the UK. If you're really looking to earn airline miles or rewards that can easily be put towards free flights, you'll want to consider American Express Membership Rewards or HSBC UK Rewards.

Airline miles value calculators

View the list of redemption options by airline and find out how much your miles are worth by using our calculators to convert airline miles to dollars based on each redemption.

What is the Value of British Airways Avios Points?

View the list of redemption options for British Airways Avios and find out which redemptions will offer you the most value.

Point Value Calculator
Virgin Atlantic Points Value Calculator

View the list of redemptions options for Virgin Atlantic Flying Club and calculate Virgin points to pounds.

Point Value Calculator

All frequent flyer guides and calculators

View all available airline miles calculators based on frequent flyer program.

British Airways Avios Calculators
Virgin Atlantic Points Calculators