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Boots Advantage Card Calculator

Calculate Boots Per Pound Spent
Boots Advantage Card

Earning Rates

  • Collect 3 points for every £1 you spend in-store, online or via the Boots app.

Main Benefits

  • Receive 10% off Boots brands.

Rewards Details

Our Take

The Boots Advantage Card is free to sign up for, so I highly recommend doing so as there is no downside if you frequently shop with them.
Boots Advantage Credit Card Calculators

Boots Points Calculator

Input your monthly and yearly spend amounts into the calculator to find out how many Boots points you can earn as a Boots Advantage member. You can select if you're part of a club to calculate bonus points on select purchases.

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How many points do you earn per pound with the Boots Advantage Card?

All Boots Advantage Card members earn 4 points per £1 spent on in-store and online purchases with Boots.

What is the value of Boots Advantage Card points?

Boots Advantage points are worth £0.01 each. Every 100 points you earn has a cash value of £1 in-store and online with Boots.

What is Boots Advantage Over 60 Rewards?

If you're over 60 years of age, you can sign up for Over 60 Rewards and get 8 Boots points per £1 spent on Boots brand items and selected exclusives.

What is Boots Parenting Club?

Boots Advantage Cardholders that have a newborn child on the way or any child five years of age and younger can sign up for the Boots Parenting Club. It offers 8 points per £1 spent on baby products and several other benefits.