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Calculator: Hilton Honors Points To Delta SkyMiles

Looking to transfer your Hilton Points to Delta SkyMiles? This step-by-step guide will show you how, plus use our calculator to calculate the conversion!
Last Updated: 12-23-2023

Hilton Honors points can be converted to Delta SkyMiles at a rate of 10:1. This means that every 10,000 Hilton Honors points you transfer to your SkyMiles account will give you 1,000 Delta SkyMiles.

Calculator: Convert Hilton points to Delta miles

Use our Conversion Calculator to calculate the transfer of Hilton Honors points to Delta SkyMiles.

Hilton Honors Points To Delta SkyMiles Calculator

Enter any amount of Hilton Honors points into our calculator to find out how many Delta SkyMiles you will end up with after transferring.
Hilton Honors Points
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How to convert Hilton points to Delta Skymiles

  1. Head to Hilton's Points Exchange page.
  2. Select Use Points to get miles.
  3. Select Delta Air Lines from the list and select the exchange rate. Click Next.
  4. If you do not have Delta added as a partner in your Hilton Honors account, you'll be prompted to add it.
  5. Review the request, agree to the terms, and confirm the transfer.


Can you transfer Hilton Honors points to Delta SkyMiles?

Yes. You can transfer Hilton Honors points directly to your Delta SkyMiles account at a 10:1 ratio.

What is the transfer ratio of Hilton Honors points to Delta SkyMiles?

Every 10,000 Hilton Honors points you transfer to Delta Airlines will give you 1,000 Delta SkyMiles?

Are transferring Hilton Honors points to Delta SkyMiles a good deal?

Transferring Hilton points to Delta can be a solid option if you're a few thousands SkyMiles short of a redemption, but you'll get significantly better value booking free nights with Hilton points.

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