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Australia Credit Card Combination & Rewards Calculator Tool

Build Combos & Calculate Rewards
Craft Your Perfect Card Combo: Unleash the power of personalized credit card combinations. Calculate rewards, maximize benefits, and elevate your financial strategy with our innovative tool!

Welcome to the ultimate tool for savvy financial enthusiasts and rewards aficionados!

Introducing our innovative Credit Card Combination and Rewards Calculator Tool – your gateway to crafting personalized credit card combinations that supercharge your benefits. Unleash the power of strategic card pairing as you explore a world of points, miles, and cash back possibilities.

Whether you're a frequent traveler, a cash back connoisseur, or someone who simply loves optimizing their credit card rewards, our tool empowers you to make informed decisions and extract the most value from every swipe.

Need Help Finding The Best Cards?

If you're looking to maximize your rewards, you can input your monthly or yearly spend amounts into our Best Rewards Credit Card Finder to get a list of credit cards that will earn you the most points, miles, and cash back.

Calculate Rewards For Any Card Combination

Calculate rewards for a single card, a group of credit cards, two cards side-by-side or two groups of credit cards side by side. You can even add duplicate cards!

Adjust Currency Value

Everyone doesn't value points and miles the same which is why you can adjust the value of points and miles for any rewards program.

So whether you're redeeming points towards first class flights on 5-star airlines or just trying to redeem points to knock down your statement balance, you'll know how much value you're getting out of your spending.

The value of cash back cannot be adjusted... I know you want more out of your buck, but that's not how this works!

Set Up How You Plan On Using Your Cards

Input your monthly and yearly spend by category and select which credit card you plan on using for that category.

Rewards will calculate in real-time based on what you enter and you'll also be able to see how much value you'll get out of each card based on the currency values you've set.

Enter How Much You Value Benefits

Credit cards offer an array of benefits now-a-days, and there's some you may never use and some that may be worth more or less to you in value compared to someone else.

With this tool, you're able to change the value of any popular credit card benefit that is listed.

Change the value of an annual free night award to $500 or to $90. Already have Global Entry? Set the value of it to $0 on all other cards. Can't use the $1,400+ credits of a certain platinum-colored card? Go through each benefit and set the values to what you can use.

See Who's Pulling Their Weight

Once all calculations are done, you'll be able to view the grand total earned with each group of cards as well as how much each individual credit card is contributing.

This helps you to weed out any credit cards that may not be as useful as you thought and to plan the perfect combination of credit cards.

You can then learn more about each card and apply for them, when applicable, directly through our partners. This part also helps out me and the site, so it's much appreciated if you do.

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