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British Airways Avios To Nectar Points Calculator

British Airways Avios can be converted to Nectar Rewards at a rate of 300 Avios for 400 Nectar points. Calculate the conversion.
Last Updated: 03-01-2024
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The Avios to Nectar points conversion rate is being cut once again start March 11th. Nectar points to Avios remains unchanged.

Avios to Nectar transfer ratio

British Airways Avios can be transferred to the Nectar Rewards program at a rate of 300 Avios for 400 Nectar points.

This is a 20% devaluation from the old rate of 250 Avios for 400 Nectar points which allowed you to move points across both programs with no penalty. The rate changed on November 16, 2022.

(NOTE: The conversion will take yet another devalation on March 11th when the rate drops down to 400 Avios for 400 Nectar points. So if you plan on transferring them to Nectar, do so now!)

Use our Nectar Points to Avios Calculator if you wish to calculate rewards in the other direction.

Calculator: Convert Avios to Nectar points

Use the Avios Transfer Calculator to calculate the conversion of Avios to Nectar Rewards points.

Transferring From Avios to Nectar

Enter any amount of Avios to calculate the transfer to Nectar Rewards.
British Airways Avios
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Can you convert Avios to Nectar points?

Yes. You can convert 300 Avios into 400 Nectar points.

Can you transfer Avios to Nectar points?

How do you transfer rewards between Nectar and British Airways Executive Club?

You can visit the British Airways-Nectar Promo Page to link your account and convert points.