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British Airways Avios To Nectar Points Calculator

Use our Avios to Nectar calculator to check the conversion rate and see how many Nectar points you can get for your Avios quickly and easily!
Last Updated: 12-12-2024

Avios to Nectar: Key Highlights

  • Convert Avios to Nectar Easily: Transfer 400 Avios to 400 Nectar points at a straightforward 1:1 rate.
  • Works Across Avios-Linked Airlines: Avios from British Airways, Aer Lingus, Iberia, Qatar Airways, and Finnair can all be converted to Nectar points at the same 1:1 rate.
  • Value of Avios to Nectar: Transferring Avios to Nectar points gives a value of 0.5p per point, making 1,000 Avios worth £5.

Use our Avios to Nectar points calculator to calculate the conversion of British Airways Avios into Nectar Rewards points.

Avios to Nectar conversion rate

British Airways Avios can be transferred to the Nectar Rewards program at a rate of 400 Avios for 400 Nectar points.

The transfer ratio has been devalued twice since 2022:

  • Original Ratio: 250 Avios for 400 Nectar points, with no penalty for moving points between programs.
  • November 16, 2022: Adjusted to 300 Avios for 400 Nectar points.
  • March 11, 2024: Changed to 400 Avios for 400 Nectar points.

Despite these changes, the transfer rate from Nectar points to Avios remains unchanged.

Use Reward Flight Finder To Find The Best Value

Looking for an easy way to find the best award flights for British Airways? Check out Reward Flight Finder!

It shows the next 355 days of British Airways Avios reward flight availability in one view, for every route. If you're an RFF member, you can also receive alerts when new reward seats become available.

Find The Best BA Avios Redemptions

Avios to Nectar points calculator

Use our Avios to Nectar Points Calculator to determine how many Nectar points you will have when transferring British Airways Avios to the Nectar Rewards program.


Use our Nectar Points to Avios Calculator if you wish to calculate rewards in the other direction.


Can you convert Avios to Nectar points?

Yes. You can convert 400 Avios into 400 Nectar points.

Can you transfer Avios to Nectar points?

How do you transfer rewards between Nectar and British Airways Executive Club?

You can visit the British Airways-Nectar Promo Page to link your account and convert points.

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