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HSBC UK Premier Points To British Airways Avios Calculator

Calculate the conversion rate of HSBC UK Premier Rewards points to British Airways Avios with our user-friendly calculator.
Last Updated: 12-12-2024

Quick Overview

  • Convert HSBC Points to Avios: Transfer 2,000 HSBC Premier Rewards points for 1,000 British Airways Avios.
  • Access Multiple Airline Partners: Avios earned from HSBC Premier point transfers can also be converted into Avios with Iberia, Aer Lingus, Qatar, and Finnair.
  • Maximize Value: Transferring HSBC Premier points to British Airways or other airline partners delivers the best value for HSBC.

Use our HSBC points to Avios calculator to calculate the conversion of HSBC Premier Rewards points to British Airways Avios.

HSBC points to Avios conversion ratio

HSBC Premier Rewards is a flexible travel rewards program that offers the ability to transfer points to a small handful of partners including British Airways Executive Club.

HSBC Premier points can be converted into British Airways Avios at a rate of 1:2. This means every 2,000 HSBC Premier points you transfer to British Airways will give you 1,000 Avios.

HSBC points to Avios calculator

Use our point transfer calculator to easily calculate the conversion of HSBC UK Premier points to British Airways Avios.


How to earn HSBC Premier points

Points earned with all HSBC UK Premier Rewards credit cards can be transferred to British Airways Executive Club at a 2:1 rate. Non-Premier cards do not have the ability to transfer points.

Here are the credit cards that earn HSBC Premier Rewards points:


Can HSBC UK points be transferred to British Airways Executive Club?

Yes. HSBC Premier points earned with HSBC Premier Rewards credit cards can be converted into British Airways Avios.

What is the transfer rate for HSBC UK Premier points to British Airways Avios?

Every 2,000 HSBC Premier points you transfer to British Airways will give you 1,000 Avios.

Are their other major program partners that transfers to British Airways?

American Express Membership Rewards points can also be converted into to British Airways Avios.

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