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IHG Points To Airline Miles

Check out IHG's list of transfer partners and use our calculator to convert IHG points to airline miles with IHG's travel partners.
Last Updated: 02-12-2024
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IHG Points can be transferred to over 30 airline frequent flyer partners mostly at a 5:1 ratio. This means that 5,000 IHG Points can be converted to 1,000 airline miles.

List of IHG transfer partners

Here's the list of partners that you can transfer IHG points to:


How to transfer IHG points

IHG Points can be transferred to any of their 35 airline partners by calling the IHG Rewards Service center. IHG Points cannot be transferred to partners online.

Once the transfer has been initiated by the service center, it can take at least 2-3 weeks to be deposited into the receiving frequent flyer program.

This isn't the fastest process, so if you're trying to transfer IHG Points to an airline partner, you'll want to make sure to do it way in advance.

Calculate IHG point transfers

Use the Point Conversion Calculator to calculate the conversion of IHG points to airline miles with IHG's transfer partners.

Transferring From
Enter any amount of IHG points to calculate the transfer to IHG's airline and other partners.
IHG Rewards Points
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Can I transfer IHG Points to airlines?

Yes, you can transfer IHG Points to over 30 airline partners.

How much does it cost to transfer IHG points?

You can transfer IHG Points to IHG's airline and other travel partners for free. Transferring IHG Points between IHG members will cost you $5 for every 1,000 points transferred.

How do you transfer IHG Points to airline and other partners?

You must call the IHG Rewards Service Center to transfer IHG Points to partners. It can take 2-3 weeks for the transfer to complete.