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Boots Advantage Points Calculators

Calculate Boots Advantage Card earnings per pound spent, the value of Boots points based on redemption, and more with our Boots Points Calculators.

Quick Overview

  • Boots Points: The rewards currency of the Boots Advantage program, earned through in-store, online, and app purchases.
  • Earning Rate: Boots Advantage members earn 3 points per Β£1 spent when using their Boots Advantage Card.
  • Redemption Options: Points can be redeemed for purchases in-store or online at Boots.
  • Value of Points: Boots Points are worth 1p eachβ€”100 points equate to Β£1 in cash value.
  • Redemption Rules: You must have enough points to cover the full purchase amount, as part-payment with points is not allowed.

Boots Credit Card Rewards Calculator

The Boots Advantage Card allows you to earn Boots Advantage points when shopping in-store and online with Boots. The program is free to sign up, so picking up the card is very well worth it if you frequent Boots.

Boots Points Value Calculators

Boots points are earned shopping in-store and online as a Boots Advantage member. Points can be redeemed to cover the full cost of purchases made in-store and online with Boots.

Learn how to redeem Boots Advantage points and use our Boots Points Value Calculators to calculate Boots points to pounds.

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