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Points & Miles Transfer Partner Calculator Tool UK

Calculate the conversion of airline miles, hotel points, credit card rewards and more between over 80 partner programs worldwide using our Transfer Partner Calculator Tool.

Welcome to the best points and miles transfer tool for calculating the transfer of rewards between programs worldwide. Jump To Conversion Calculator Tool

Use the Points & Miles Transfer Partner Calculator Tool to simply calculate the conversion of points and miles to and from partner programs.

This tool offers multiple ways to calculate transfers from one program or category to another. This includes:

  • Transfers from one program to all programs
  • Transfers from one program to another partner program
  • Transfers from all programs to another partner program
  • Transfers from a category of programs to another category of programs
  • Transfers from a category of programs to another partner program

This calculator also allows you to calculate the transfer of rewards to a specific program and specify how many points or miles you're looking to receive in that program. This can be done by clicking the button.

If you enjoy the tool and find it useful, please spread the word and share it with others!

If you run into any problems or if something isn't calculating right, hit me up on the socials.


Credit Card Rewards
Credit card rewards programs that allow you to transfer your points and miles to partner programs.
Credit Card Rewards Points & Miles
Points and miles earned with any credit card rewards program.
Hotel Points
Hotel Rewards programs that allow you to transfer your points to partner programs.
Airline Miles
Frequent Flyer programs that allow you to transfer your miles to partner programs.
Cruise Rewards
Cruise rewards programs that allow you to transfer your points to partner programs.
Transit rewards programs that allow you to transfer your points to partner programs.
Retail Rewards
Retail rewards programs that allow you to transfer your points to partner programs.
Other Rewards
Other rewards programs that allow you to transfer your points and miles partner programs.
Credit Card Rewards
Credit card rewards programs that allow you to transfer your points and miles to partner programs.
Hotel Rewards Points
Hotel rewards programs that allow you to transfer your points to partner programs.
Airline Miles
Frequent Flyer programs that allow you to transfer your miles to partner programs.
Cruise Rewards
Cruise rewards programs that allow you to transfer your points to partner programs.
Transit rewards programs that allow you to transfer your points to partner programs.
Retail Rewards
Retail rewards programs that allow you to transfer your points to partner programs.
Other Rewards
Other rewards programs that allow you to transfer your points and miles partner programs.
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