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NatWest Rewards Calculators

Calculate total Rewards and the cash value of those Rewards based on your spend across NatWest credit cards and compare results to top cards.

Quick Overview

NatWest Credit Card Rewards Calculators

NatWest offers two credit cards that earn Rewards that can be redeemed for gift cards, airline miles, direct deposit, or charity donations.

The NatWest Black Reward Credit Card offers excellent value, with no foreign transaction fees and a higher flat-rate earning on non-supermarket purchases. It's especially worthwhile if you can waive the annual fee by holding a Reward Black current account.

Use our NatWest credit card rewards calculators to calculate total Rewards and card value based on spend and card benefits, minus any annual fees.

NatWest Rewards Value Calculators

NatWest Rewards are worth face value when deposited into a bank account or donated to charity, but are be worth more redeemed for gift cards. You can also convert Rewards into airline miles which can give you a shot at even higher value.

Learn more about NatWest Rewards redemption options and calculate the value you can get out of the Trade Up (gift card) option.

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