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British Airways Avios Calculators

Calculate British Airways Avios value, point transfers to Avios, Avios credit card points per $1 spent, and more with our Avios Points Calculators.
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Credit Card Calculators

British Airways offers one co-branded credit card through Chase Bank, but there are a ton of ways to earn additional Avios due to it being possible to earn Avios using all major U.S. credit card rewards programs. It's not hard to earn tens of thousands of Avios as long as you can generate the spend to do so.

What Credit Card Points Transfer To British Airways?

Find out which partner credit cards earn rewards transferable to British Airways and calculate which cards will earn you the most Avios.

Best Avios Credit Card Calculator
Chase British Airways Card Calculator

Calculate total Avios and overall card value for the British Airways Visa Signature® Card based on your spend and how much you value card benefits, minus annual fees.

Credit Card Value Calculator