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Conversion Calculator: AMEX Points to Amazon Cash Value

Point & Mile Conversions
Want to know how much your AMEX points are worth in Amazon cash? Use our conversion calculator to find out the exact value and make the most of your rewards!
Last Updated: 04-15-2023

American Express Membership Rewards points can be redeemed at checkout on at a rate of 1,000 points for $7 in cash value. This gives AMEX points a cash value of 0.7 cents each on Amazon.

How much are AMEX points worth on Amazon?

Membership Rewards points are worth 0.7 cents each when redeemed on Every 1,000 points will give you $7 in cash value with Amazon.

Here's how Membership Rewards points stack up against other rewards points that can be used at checkout with Amazon:

Program Rewards Value (in cents)
Amazon Rewards points 1
Capital One Venture miles 1
Capital One Spark miles 1
Discover Miles 1
Chase Ultimate Rewards points 0.8
Citi ThankYou Rewards points 0.8
American Express Membership Rewards points 0.7
Hilton Honors points 0.2
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You can use the Amazon Shop with Points portal to link your Membership Rewards account to your Amazon Rewards account. You'll also be asked about paying with points once you add an eligible Membership Rewards credit card to your account.

Once linked, you will be given the option to use your Membership Rewards points when selecting the payment method. It will show you the cash value of your entire balance for each Membership Rewards credit card attached to the account as well as the balance of any other Pay with Points options you have.

You can then enter how many points you wish to use and it will output how much those points are worth towards your total bill. You can pay in full or use points to cover a portion.

Since Membership Rewards points are worth anywhere from 1 to 2 cents or more towards travel, redeeming points for purchases on will be one of the worse redemption options at 0.8 cents per point.

The only time in which redeeming points for purchases on makes sense is when Amazon is offering a discount when using Membership Rewards points. Every now and then, Amazon will offer such as:

"Get $X off when you use Membership Rewards points to pay for an order over $Y."

More times than not, you can use a single point (as in 1 Membership Rewards point) and get the full discount off your purchase. Outside of that, you'll generally want to consider using Membership Rewards points for travel.

Convert AMEX points to Amazon

Use our AMEX Points To Amazon Value Calculator to determine the cash value of Membership Rewards Points when redeemed on

Enter any amount of Membership Rewards Points to calculate the cash value for Amazon.
AMEX Points $70.00


How much are AMEX Membership Rewards points worth on Amazon?

Membership Rewards points are worth 0.7 cents each when redeemed on Amazon. This means 1,000 AMEX points is equal to $7 in cash value with Amazon.

How many AMEX points equals $1 on Amazon?

143 Membership Rewards points is equal to $1 in cash value on

How many Membership Rewards points can you use to checkout at

You can use as little as 1 point or as many as you have up to the amount takes to cover the entire purchase.

Is using AMEX points on Amazon worth it?

The only time it makes sense to use AMEX points on is when Amazon is offering a discount for using Membership Rewards points.

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