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Conversion Calculator: AMEX Points To Avios Points

Point & Mile Transfers
Use the conversion calculator to calculate the transfer of AMEX Membership Rewards points to Avios with British Airways, Iberia, and Aer Lingus.
Last Updated: 05-15-2024

Membership Rewards points can be transferred to British Airways Avios, Iberia Avios, Aer Lingus Avios, and Qatar Avios at a 1:1 ratio. This means every 1,000 AMEX points transferred is equal to 1,000 Avios.

British Airways Avios

Membership Rewards points can be transferred to British Airways Avios at a 1:1 ratio. This means that every 1,000 AMEX points you transfer will give you 1,000 Avios in the British Airways Executive Club program.

You can transfer as little as 1,000 points and as many as 999,000 points to your British Airways Executive Club account. Points must be transferred in 1,000-point increments.

The estimated time per transfer is up to 48 hours, but it typically takes only a few minutes.

amex points to british airways avios

Iberia Avios

Membership Rewards points can be transferred to Iberia Club at a rate of 1:1 meaning that every 1,000 AMEX points you transfer will give you 1,000 Avios.

Points must be transferred in 1,000-point increments and you can transfer as little as 1,000 AMEX points and as many as 999,000 AMEX points to your Iberia Club account.

Transferring points to Iberia Plus can take up to seven days, so be aware of that. If you need them sooner than later, you can transfer points to British Airways Executive Club first and then transfer those points to Iberia Plus since you can move points between both programs.

Aer Lingus Avios

AMEX Membership Rewards points can be transferred to Aer Lingus at a 1:1 ratio meaning that every 1,000 AMEX points you transfer will give you 1,000 Avios.

Points can be transferred in increments of 1,000 points and you can transfer as little as 1,000 points up to as many as 999,000 points to your AerClub account. Estimated time per transfer is up to 48 hours.

Qatar Avios

Membership Rewards points can be transferred to Qatar Avios at a 1:1 rate. Every 1,000 AMEX points you transfer to Qatar Privilege Club will give you 1,000 Qatar Avios.

Transfers must be made in 1,000-point increments and you can transfer as little as 1,000 points and as many as 750,000 points. Transfers take up to 48 hours though it's usually instant.

Calculator: Convert AMEX points to Avios

Use our AMEX points to Avios calculator to calculate the conversion of Membership Rewards points into Avios with British Airways, Iberia, Aer Lingus, and Qatar.



Can AMEX points be transferred to Avios?

Yes. AMEX Membership Rewards points can be transferred to British Airways Avios, Iberia Avios, and Aer Lingus Avios. They can also be transferred to Qatar Avios using British Airways.

What is the AMEX points to British Airways Avios transfer ratio?

Every 1,000 AMEX points you transfer to British Airways will give you 1,000 Avios in the British Airways Executive Club program..

What is the AMEX points to Iberia Avios transfer ratio?

Every 1,000 AMEX points you transfer to Iberia will give you 1,000 Avios in the Iberia Plus program.

What is the AMEX points to Aer Lingus transfer ratio?

Every 1,000 AMEX points you transfer to Aer Lingus will give you 1,000 Avios in the AerClub program.

How do you transfer AMEX points to Qatar Avios?

First you will need to link your British Airways and Qatar Privilege Club account. You will then be able to convert AMEX points to British Airways Avios and then convert your British Airways Avios to Qatar Avios.

Does AMEX charge a fee to transfer points to Avios?

No. AMEX does not charge a fee to transfer points to British Airways, Iberia, or Aer Lingus.

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