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WestJet Dollars Calculators

Calculate WestJet credit card earnings, the value of WJ Dollars based on redemption, and more using our WestJet Dollars Calculators.
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Credit Card Calculators

WestJet offers two credit cards that earn WestJet Dollars. You can also transfer points to your WestJet account using partners.

RBC WestJet World Elite Mastercard
WestJet Dollars & Card Value Calculator
RBC WestJet Mastercard
WestJet Dollars & Card Value Calculator
Conversion Calculators

WestJet is a direct transfer partner or RBC Avion Rewards. This gives you an alternative way to earn WestJet Dollars using RBC's top-notch travel cards.

RBC Avion Points To WestJet Dollars
Conversion Calculator
Use Our Calculator To Maximize Your Rewards

Discover personalized credit card options that match your spending habits and maximizes your rewards.

View the highest offers from our partners and input your monthly and yearly spend amounts into our easy-to-use calculator to find the best credit card options for you!