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SimplyCash® Card from American Express

Card Value & Cash Back Calculator
SimplyCash® Card from American Express

Earning Rates

  • Earn 2% cash back on gas station purchases in Canada.
  • Earn 2% cash back on grocery purchases in Canada, up to $300 cash back annually.
  • Earn 1.25% cash back on everything else, with no limit to the amount of cash back you can earn.

Main Benefits

  • Enjoy exclusive ticket access, virtual events, live performances and more with American Express® Experiences.

Our Take

The SimplyCash Preferred Card from American Express is one of the best no annual fee credit cards in Canada.

AMEX Cash Back Calculator

Input your monthly and yearly spend amounts to calculate how much cash back you can earn with the AMEX SimplyCash Card. Compare the results side by side up to 2 credit cards to find out which cards are best for you.

Any spend entered into the primary card column (the first column) will carry over to all credit card calculators on the site, so there's no need to re-enter spend when viewing other credit cards.

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Tangerine Money-Back Credit Card

Earn 2% back in up to three categories of your choice with no limit to the amount you can earn. Rewards are paid monthly.

For A Limited Time: Get 10% back, up to $100, when you spend up to $1,000 in your first 2 months.