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John Lewis Partnership Card Points Calculator

Card Value & John Lewis Points Calculator
John Lewis Partnership Card

Earning Rates

  • Earn 5 points for every £4 spent on eligible purchases at John Lewis and Waitrose.
  • Earn 1 point for every £4 spent elsewhere.

Main Benefits

  • Cardholder exclusive benefits which includes bonus point events, ticket exclusives, and luxury travel offers.
  • Add up to 3 additional cardholders to help earn points faster.

Rewards Details

Our Take

If you frequent John Lewis or Waitrose, you'll want to consider the John Lewis Partnership Card as you'll be able to earn up to a 1.25% return on your spending.
John Lewis Credit Card Point Calculators

Point Calculator

Input your monthly and yearly spend into the John Lewis Partnership Card point calculator to see how much you can earn. Compare the results side by side up to two credit cards to find out which cards are best for you.

Any spend entered into the primary card column (the first column) will carry over to all credit card calculators on the site, so there's no need to re-enter spend when viewing other credit cards.

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How do you earn John Lewis Credit Card points?

John Lewis Credit Card points are earned by using the John Lewis Partnership Card. You'll earn 5 points per £4 spent in John Lewis and Waitrose and 1 point per £4 spent everywhere else.

How much are John Lewis Points worth?

Every 500 points you earn is worth £5 in vouchers that you can spend in John Lewis and Waitrose. This makes John Lewis Points worth £0.01 each.

How much is 500 John Lewis Points worth?

500 John Lewis Points is worth £5 in vouchers redeemable in John Lewis and Waitrose.

How much is 1,000 John Lewis Points worth?

1,000 John Lewis Points is worth £10 in vouchers redeemable in John Lewis and Waitrose.