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John Lewis Points Value Calculator

Convert John Lewis Points to pounds when redeemed for purchases with John Lewis and Waitrose using our John Lewis Points Value Calculator.
Last Updated: 02-12-2024
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John Lewis points value

What's the value of John Lewis points? The answer: 1p per point. For every 500 points you collect, you will receive a £5 voucher that you can use to shop at John Lewis and Waitrose.

Redemption options Redemption value
Redeeming points for purchases with John Lewis and Waitrose 1p

Calculator: Convert John Lewis points to pounds

Use the John Lewis Points Value Calculator to determine the cash value of any amount of John Lewis Reward Points when redeemed for vouchers. This will let you know how much your points are worth.

John Lewis Points Value Calculator

Enter any amount of John Lewis Partnership Card points to calculate the value in pounds.
Redemption option Average cash value
Number of £5 vouchers 0 vouchers
Total value of points overall £0


What's the value of John Lewis points?

John Lewis points are worth 1p each. Every 500 points you collect is equal to a £5 voucher.

How much is 1,000 John Lewis points worth?

1,000 John Lewis points are worth £10 (two £5 vouchers).

How much is 500 John Lewis points worth?

500 John Lewis points are worth £5 (one voucher).

How much is 100 John Lewis points worth?

100 John Lewis points are worth £1, but you will need at least 500 points to receive a £5 voucher.