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Calculator: RBC Avion Points To British Airways Avios

Use our point transfer calculator to calculate the conversion of RBC Avion points into British Airways Avios.
Last Updated: 12-31-2024

Quick Overview

  • Major Transfer Partner: RBC Avion Rewards is one of two major credit card transfer partners of British Airways Avios in Canada (the other being American Express).
  • Elite Points Transfers: RBC Avion Elite points, earned with RBC Avion Visa credit cards, can be converted to British Airways Avios at a 1:1 transfer ratio.
  • Transfer Limitations: RBC Avion Premium and RBC Avion Select points cannot be transferred to British Airways Avios.

Use our Avion to Avios calculator to determine how many British Airways Avios you'll end up with when transferring rewards from Avion Rewards.

Avion to Avios transfer rate

RBC Avion is a credit card rewards program that earns valuable points transferable to a small handful of partners — British Airways being one of them.

RBC Avion Elite points can be transferred to British Airways at a 1:1 ratio. This means that every 1,000 Avion Elite points you transfer will give you 1,000 British Airways Avios.

Avion points to Avios calculator

Use our Avion points to Avios calculator to determine how many British Airways Avios you will earn when transferring Avion Elite points.



What is the transfer ratio of RBC Avion points to British Airways Avios?

Every 1,000 RBC Avion Elite points you transfer to British Airways Executive Club will give you 1,000 British Airways Avios.

Which Canada credit card partners transfers to British Airways Avios?

British Airways has two major credit card transfer partners in Canada: American Express Membership Rewards and RBC Avion Rewards.

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