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Calculator: RBC Avion Points To WestJet Dollars

Use our transfer calculator to calculate the conversion of RBC Avion points into WestJet Dollars.
Last Updated: 01-16-2024
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Avion points to WestJet transfer ratio

RBC Avion points can be converted to WestJet Dollars at a rate of 100 Avion points for 1 WestJet Dollar. This applies to both Avion Elite points and Avion Premium points.

WestJet points are worth face value on average. This means that 1 WestJet Dollar is typically worth to 1 Canadian Dollar in value.

Avion Premium points are worth 1 cent each on average, so converting these points to WestJet Dollars will offer equal value. Avion Elite points, on the other hand, can be worth up to 2 cents or more on average, so transferring these will typically devalue your points.

Calculator: Avion points to WestJet Dollars

Use the Conversion Calculator to calculate the transfer of RBC Rewards Points to WestJet Dollars. The calculator reflects both Avion Elite points and Avion Premium points.



What's the conversion ratio for RBC Avion points to WestJet Dollars?

Every 1,000 RBC Avion points you transfer to WestJet will give you 1 WestJet Dollar. This applies to both Avion Elite points and Avion Premium points.

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