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Retail & Store Rewards Calculators

Calculate rewards earned per $1 spent, credit card earnings, the value of rewards based on redemption, and more with our Store & Retail Rewards Calculators.
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Store credit card rewards calculators

Input your monthly and yearly spend amounts into our credit card rewards calculators to find out how much you can earn with Canada's top retail cards.

All Retail rewards guides and calculators

View all available store and retail rewards calculators based on program.

Costco Rewards Calculators
Canadian Tire Triangle Rewards Calculators
PC Optimum Points Calculators
Tangerine Money-Back Credit Card

Earn 2% back in up to three categories of your choice with no limit to the amount you can earn. Rewards are paid monthly.

For A Limited Time: Get 10% back, up to $100, when you spend up to $1,000 in your first 2 months.