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John Lewis Points Calculators

Calculate John Lewis credit card points per Β£1 spent, points to pounds based on redemption, and more using our John Lewis Points Calculators.

Quick Overview

  • Earning Points: John Lewis points are earned exclusively with the John Lewis Partnership Card.
  • Point Value: Each point is worth 1p, with 500 points converting into a Β£5 gift voucher.
  • Voucher Redemption: Vouchers are issued up to three times per year and can be used for purchases at John Lewis and Waitrose.

John Lewis Credit Card Points Calculator

John Lewis offers one co-branded credit card that can be used to earn John Lewis points on everyday spending. The card is a solid option if you frequent make purchases at John Lewis and Waitrose.

John Lewis Points Value Calculator

John Lewis points are automatically converted into vouchers redeemable towards purchases made at John Lewis and Waitrose. Use our John Lewis Points Value Calculators to find out how much your points are worth and how they can be redeemed.

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