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Here's How Much It Will Cost You To Buy Flying Blue Miles

Find out the price range for buying Flying Blue Miles and use our calculator to estimate how much it will cost you to buy miles beforehand, so you can make an informed decision.
Last Updated: 12-28-2023
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If you're short on miles and need to top off your account, you can always transfer reward points directly to your account using any of Flying Blue's direct transfer partners. If that's not an option, your next best choice will be to buy Flying Blue Miles.

Cost to buy Flying Blue miles

Flying Blue Miles will cost you 3.17 cents per mile if you buy less than 10,000 miles and 3.05 cents per mile if you buy 10,000 miles or more in a single transaction. So buying more does get you a discount, but not a large one.

Buying Flying Blue Miles
Miles Purchased Cost Per Mile (in cents)
2,000 - 8,000 Miles 3.17
10,000 - 100,000 Miles 3.05

How many Flying Blue miles can you buy?

The minimum amount of Flying Blue miles you can buy in a single transaction is 2,000 which will cost you $63.40. The maximum amount of miles will vary based on your status in the Flying Blue program.

Flying Blue Explorer members can only buy up to 100,000 Flying Blue Miles per calendar year, while those with Flying Blue Silver or higher can buy an unlimited amount of Flying Blue Miles per calendar year, but are limited to 300,000 miles per transaction.

Flying Blue Miles Buy Limits
Explorer Silver, Gold, Platinum
Minimum Purchase
Per Transaction
2,000 Miles 2,000 Miles
Maximum Purchase
Per Transaction
100,000 Miles 300,000 Miles
Maximum Purchase
Per Calendar Year
100,000 Miles Unlimited

Buy Flying Blue Miles Calculator

Use the calculator to estimate how much it will cost you to buy Flying Blue Miles at the standard rate.

Enter any amount of Flying Blue Miles to calculate the estimated cost.

Total Cost $0

How to buy Flying Blue miles

You can buy Flying Blue Miles by following these steps:

  1. Go to the Flying Blue Buy Miles page.
  2. Log into your Flying Blue account.
  3. Select how many Flying Blue Miles you want to buy.
  4. Enter your payment information.
  5. Review the details and agree to the terms and conditions.
  6. Click Buy Miles.

Other ways to earn Flying Blue miles

Outside of flying Air France, KLM, and their airline partners, the best way to earn lots of Flying Blue miles is by using credit cards. Flying Blue is a direct transfer partner of all major U.S. credit card rewards programs which includes AMEX, Chase, Capital One, and Citi.

Rewards earned in these programs can be transferred directly to your Flying Blue account at a 1:1 ratio. This makes it very easy to earn tens of thousands of Flying Blue miles via intro bonuses offered on credit cards from these programs as well as bonus miles on everyday spending.

If you're not in a rush to buy miles and you're looking to boost your Flying Blue miles account, here are 10 of the best partner credit card offers for earning Flying Blue miles:

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How much does Flying Blue Miles cost to buy?

Flying Blue Miles will cost you 3.17 cents per mile if you buy less than 10,000 miles and 3.05 cents per mile if you buy 10,000 miles or more.

How many Flying Blue Miles can you buy per year?

You can buy up to 100,000 Miles as an Explorer member. Silver, Gold, and Platinum members do not have a cap on how many miles they can purchase, but can only purchase up to 300,000 miles per transaction.

How do you buy Flying Blue Miles?

Flying Blue Miles can be purchased directly from the Buy Miles portal on the Flying Blue website.

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