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Calculator: AMEX Points To Airline & Hotel Partners

Convert your AMEX Membership Rewards points to miles with ease using our calculator. Find out how many miles you can earn with each transfer partner.
Last Updated: 07-14-2023
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AMEX transfer partners

American Express Membership Rewards points can be transferred to the following airline and hotel partners:


Excise Tax offset fee

When transferring to a U.S. airline frequent flyer program, American Express will charge you an Excise Tax Offset fee of $0.0006 cents per point transferred. This means that for every 10,000 points you transfer, you will be charged $6.

You can also pay the fee using Membership Rewards Points at a value of 0.5 cents per point (not recommended). You will be charged the Excise Tax Offset Fee for transferring points to the following U.S.-based airlines:

  • Delta Airlines
  • JetBlue Airlines
  • Hawaiian Airlines

The maximum amount AMEX will charge you is $99 per transfer which comes from transferring 165,000 Membership Rewards Points. This is not a large fee, but something you should take note of.

Choose to pay cash or points. (Hint: pay cash)
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How to transfer AMEX points to partners

  1. Go to Enter your login credentials, select "Membership Rewards" from the drop down, and click Log In.
  2. Once you're logged in, scroll down to the "Ready To Redeem?" section and click on the tab that says Transfer Points. Click on View All.
  3. Find the partner program that you wish to transfer to in the list and click the column to expand it. If you have never linked your airline or hotel rewards account to your Membership Rewards account, you will be asked to enter the account number of the program you're adding and to select a card member. The name selected must match the name on the linked account.
  4. Use the slider or manually enter in how many Membership Rewards points you wish to transfer, select the account you wish to transfer them to, and click Review Transfer.
  5. Review the transfer to make sure that every thing is correct and click on Submit Transfer.

Calculator: AMEX point conversions

Use our AMEX point transfer calculator to calculate the conversion of AMEX points to airline miles and hotel points with American Express travel partners.

AMEX Point Conversion Calculator

Enter any amount of Membership Rewards points to calculate the transfer to AMEX's airline and hotel partners.
Membership Rewards Points
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Are American Express Points transferable?

Yes. American Express Membership Rewards Points can be transferred to over 15 partners which consists of airline and hotel rewards programs.

How do I transfer Amex Points?

American Express Points can be transferred through the Membership Rewards portal.

What hotels can you transfer AMEX Points to?

Membership Rewards Points can be transferred to Marriott Bonvoy (1:1), Hilton Honors (1:2), and Choice Privileges (1:1).

Which airlines accept AMEX Membership Rewards points?

Membership Rewards Points can be used to book travel through American Express Travel at a value of 1 cent per point. This means that you can use them towards a flight on any airline that you find in the portal.

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