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Citi Rewards+® Card

Card Value & Citi Points Calculator
Citi Rewards+® Card

Earning Rates

  • Earn 2X ThankYou® Points at Supermarkets and Gas Stations for the first $6,000 per year and then 1X Points thereafter.
  • Earn 1X ThankYou® Points on All Other Purchases.

Main Benefits

  • Points are rounded up to the nearest 10 and a 10% point rebate on the first 100,000 points redeemed per year.

Rewards Details

Our Take

The best thing the Citi Rewards+ Card has going for it is the 10% point rebate which will slightly bump up the value of your points. The round-up benefit is nice, but the card is outshined by the earning rates of the Citi® Double Cash Card. You also don't have the ability to transfer points to all of Citi's partners like you can with the Citi Premier Card. This puts the Citi Rewards+ in a weird spot in which you'll be better off with either (or both) of the aforementioned cards.
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Citi Points Calculator

Calculate how many ThankYou Points you can earn with the Citi Rewards+ Card based on spend and the cash value of those points. Results can be compared side-by-side any U.S. credit cards featured on the site to see which cards earns you the most rewards.

Any spend entered into the primary card column (the first column) will carry over to all credit card calculators on the site, so there's no need to re-enter spend when viewing other credit cards.

Note: The Citi Rewards+ Calculator does not factor in the rounding of points to the nearest 10 since each transaction will vary. Just keep in mind that this benefit can earn you a significant amount of extra points throughout the year on top of what the calculator outputs.

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Is the Citi Rewards Plus a good credit card?

The Citi Rewards Plus Card is one of the best no-annual fee credit cards on the market for earning rewards that are great towards travel and other redemptions. Due to the 10% point rebate, the card also pairs well with premium cards like the Citi Premier® Card and Citi Prestige® Card.

How much is 15,000 Citi ThankYou Points worth?

Citi ThankYou Points are worth 1 cent for most redemptions, so 15,000 ThankYou Points would be worth $150. You can transfer points to Citi's transfer partners for a chance at even more value.

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