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RebatesMe Review: How To Use, Payouts, & Breakdown

Program Review
Get the rundown on the RebatesMe cash back portal including details on how to sign up for free, how to use the portal, and the payout options RebatesMe offers.
Last Updated: 10-15-2021
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RebatesMe is a cash back portal that offers deals, discounts, and cash back with over 3,000 stores worldwide. They list thousands of affiliate links throughout their site and when you use these affiliate links to make a purchase, RebatesMe receives a commission. They then share the majority of that commission with you.

How To Sign Up For RebatesMe Account

In order to partake in the cash back that RebatesMe offers, you'll need to have a RebatesMe account. Signing up is free and it only requires you to enter an email address and create a password.

rebatesme signup
Signing up is quick, easy, and free!

That's all there is to signing up for a RebatesMe account. Consider signing up for a free RebatesMe account through The Point Calculator and earn cash back on your first purchase.

How To Use The RebatesMe Portal

With your RebatesMe account in order, you'll be able to start earning cash back with thousands of stores with the press of a button. At the top of the RebatesMe cash back page, you'll find a search bar that you can use to search the store of your choosing.

rebatesme search bar
Search for the store you're looking for.

Once you find the store you're looking for and click on it, you'll find yourself looking at a bunch of information for that particular store which includes:

  • Amount of cash back being offered
  • The terms of the cash back being offered
  • A list of promo codes, discounts, and coupons
  • Details about the store itself
  • Similar stores

From this page, you can click on any of the Shop Now buttons to fire up a new shopping session.

rebatesme expedia page
Be sure to always read the cash back terms when using portals!

The new shopping session will usually launch in a new tab/window and let you know that you're on your way to earning cash back. This page will only be up for a few seconds, but it will list most of the same information you saw on the previous page including the cash back terms.

rebatesme new session
The new shopping session will fire up.

Once that page is done loading you'll be dropped off on the front doorstep of that store's website. From there you can shop as you normally would.

This includes logging into your account, surfing the site, and anything else. The only thing you have to do is shop in the same window. If you close out the window and re-open back to the website, your session will no longer be active.

You'll want to go back to RebatesMe and start another shopping session if you feel like you've closed out the entire browser window. Working across multiple tabs will usually keep your session going as long as it's in the same window you started your session in.

expedia home page
RebatesMe dropped me off on the Expedia home page for me to shop.

RebatesMe Toolbar/Extension

If you want to make sure you're always earning cash back with RebatesMe, they offer a cash back toolbar as a browser extension for both Chrome and Firefox. The RebatesMe browser extension pops up a notification whenever you're on a website that is eligible to earn cash back with RebatesMe.

rebatesme cash back toolbar
Easily know when cash back is available to grab up!

This allows you to earn cash back on sites that you didn't even know were eligible for cash back. Another plus about adding the RebatesMe Browser extension is that you'll always know when your session is active.

If you're on the checkout page and you fear that your session may not be going, you can click on the toolbar and it will let you know if the session is activated. This takes the worry out of you knowing whether or not you'll receive credit for your purchase.

Just about all of the major cash back portals offer a browser extension like this. If you're serious about earning cash back and maximizing your rewards, I highly recommend downloading at least one cash back toolbar as they really do help with the whole earning process.

Usually if one cash back portal offers cash back on a site, it's highly likely that others may also be offering cash back.

RebatesMe Payout Options

Once you've earned cash back from your first purchase, you'll be able to cash out and bask in the rewards you've earned. You can find your account balance under 'My Account' when logged into your RebatesMe account.

rebatesme account balance
This page will show you how much cash back you have available.

Available lists how much cash back is available for you to cash out. You'll need have at least a minimum of $10 before you can request a payment.

Pending is cash back that's either waiting on verification from the retailer or cash back from bonuses in which all requirements have not been met.

RebatesMe gives you several options when it comes to getting paid.


PayPal is the most common way of getting paid between all cash back portals. When you request payment with PayPal, your paid out amount will be deposited into your PayPal account balance.

Once that is done, you'll be able to use PayPal as you normally would which includes using your PayPal debit card to make purchases worldwide, making purchases through PayPal online, or you can request a transfer into your bank account using PayPal.

Credit Card

RebatesMe allows you to get paid via your credit card. This is a unique option in which the amount of cash back you earn is applied to your credit card balance.

The option of getting paid by credit card only applies to Visa and Mastercard credit cards. Do note that credit cards are subject to an existing limit (available credit) and that you cannot request an amount higher than $1,500 when using this method.

This option can be useful if you have a credit card with Visa or Mastercard as the holder and you want to merely put the cash back that you've earned back onto your credit card.


RebatesMe allows you to get paid in the form of a paper check like most cash back portals. This means you will receive your check in the mail.

This route is only for those who have a U.S. address and you'll need to register your address if you go this route.

Gift Card

The option to get paid in gift cards is also available for members of RebatesMe. As with other cash back portals, you will receive a small bonus when you opt for gift cards.

This means you could have $20 available to cash out and receive a $23 gift card due to the bonus RebatesMe offers to those who choose this option. Gift cards provides the best return and I recommend going this route if they offer gift cards for any store that you shop with frequently.


Overall, RebatesMe is another great choice for those looking to maximize their rewards using cash back portals to do their online shopping. I highly recommend using cash back portals for any type of online spending, especially for travel.


Is RebatesMe free to use?

Yes. There's no charge to sign up for an account and no type of hidden charges to use their cash back portal.

Is RebatesMe legit?

Yes. They are one of the top cash back portals that you can use to earn rewards shopping online.

How can I get paid with RebatesMe?

You can cash out via paper check (U.S. only), PayPal, gift card, and credit card (Visa and Mastercard only).

Does RebatesMe have a browser extension/toolbar?

Yes. They have an extension for both Chrome and Firefox that can notify you when you're on a site eligible to earn cash back.

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