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Converting Marriott Bonvoy Points To Delta SkyMiles

Looking to transfer your Marriott points to Delta SkyMiles? This step-by-step guide will show you how, plus use our calculator to calculate the conversion!
Last Updated: 10-16-2023
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Marriott Bonvoy points can be converted into Delta SkyMiles at a 3:1 ratio. This means every 3,000 Marriott Bonvoy points you transfer will give you 1,000 Delta SkyMiles.

Do note that the Marriott transfer bonus does not apply to Delta, so you will not earn bonus miles transferring blocks of 60,000 points like you would with Marriott's many other partners.

Calculator: Convert Marriott points to Delta miles

Use our Conversion Calculator to calculate the transfer of Marriott Bonvoy Points to Delta SkyMiles.

Marriott Points To Delta SkyMiles Transfer Calculator

Enter any amount of Marriott Bonvoy Points to calculate the transfer of rewards to the Delta SkyMiles program.
Marriott Bonvoy Points
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How to transfer Marriott points to Delta SkyMiles

  1. Go to Marriott's Transfer Points To Miles page.
  2. Click Transfer Points. You will be prompted to log into your Marriott Bonvoy account if you aren't already logged in.
  3. In the Frequent Flyer Program drop down, select Delta SkyMiles.
  4. Enter your Delta SkyMiles account number in the Frequent Flyer Number field.
  5. Enter how many Marriott Bonvoy points you want to convert to SkyMiles in the Points field.
  6. Click Continue.
  7. Verify that everything is correct and click Convert.


Can Marriott points be transferred to Delta?

Yes. Every 3,000 Marriott Bonvoy Points you transfer to Delta SkyMiles will give you 1,000 Miles.

Does the Marriott point transfer bonus apply to Delta?

Yes. You will receive a bonus 5,000 Delta SkyMiles for every 60,000 Marriott Points you transfer to Delta in a single transfer.

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