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Chase Points To British Airways Avios Calculator

Conversion Calculator
Calculate the conversion rate of Chase Ultimate Rewards Points to British Airways Avios with our user-friendly calculator.
Last Updated: 12-24-2023
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Chase Ultimate Rewards points can be transferred to British Airways Executive Club at a 1:1 ratio. This means every 1,000 Chase points you transfer will give you 1,000 British Airways Avios.

Calculator: Convert Chase points to British Airways Avios

Use our conversion calculator to calculate the transfer of Chase Ultimate Rewards points to British Airways Avios.

Chase Points To British Airways Avios Calculator

Enter any amount of Ultimate Rewards points to calculate the transfer of points from Chase Ultimate Rewards to the British Airways Executive Club program.
Chase Ultimate Rewards Points
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How to transfer Chase points to British Airways

  • Go to and log into your Chase Ultimate Rewards account.
  • Click on the menu icon () and select Transfer to Travel Partners.
  • Find British Airways under the Airlines section and click on Transfer Points.
  • Choose the recipient (whether it be yourself or an authorized user) and enter the British Airways Executive Club account number that corresponds to the selected recipient twice to confirm it.
  • Enter how many Ultimate Rewards points you wish to transfer to British Airways in 1,000-point increments.
  • Confirm the transfer.

Other British Airways transfer partners

Chase Ultimate Rewards isn't the major credit card partner of British Airways. You can also use American Express Membership Rewards and Capital One Miles to earn lots of Avios via point transfers.

Here are all the credit card partners you can use to earn British Airways Avios:



Can you transfer Chase Ultimate Rewards points to British Airways?

Yes. You can transfer Ultimate Rewards points to Avios if you have the Chase Sapphire Reserve®, Chase Sapphire Preferred® Card, or Ink Business Preferred® Credit Card.

What is the transfer ratio of Chase Ultimate Rewards points to British Airways Avios?

Every 1,000 Chase Ultimate Rewards points you transfer to British Airways Executive Club will give you 1,000 Avios.

Which credit card rewards points transfer to British Airways Avios?

In the U.S., you can transfer AMEX Membership Rewards points, Chase Ultimate Rewards points, Capital One Venture miles and Capital One Spark miles to the British Airways Executive Club program.

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