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4% Cash Back Calculator - Interactive Calculators

Cash Back Calculators
Cash back calculator for calculating 4% cash back based on spend. Also, get the details on how to calculate 4% back and a list of the best cards for earning 4% back or more on your spending.
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Quick Overview

  • Earning 4% cash back means you'll receive 4 cents back for every $1 spent, so if you spend $100, you'd get $4 in cash back.
  • To calculate 4% cash back, multiply the purchase amount by 0.04. For example, 4% cash back on a $200 purchase is $200 x 0.04, which equals $8.

Use our 4% cash back calculator to quickly find out how much cash back you'll earn on any dollar amount at a 4% rate.


What is 4% cash back?

A 4% cash back rate means you earn 4 cents for every dollar spent on eligible purchases within the specified category. For instance, if you spend $100 on a purchase that qualifies for 4% cash back, you’ll receive $4 in rewards.

This percentage is commonly offered during retail promotions as well as on select credit cards for specific spending in categories such as travel, dining, and supermarkets.

How do you calculate 4% cash back?

To calculate 4% cash back, multiply the total amount of an eligible purchase by 0.04. This will give you the cash back amount earned for that transaction. For example, if you spend $250 on a purchase that qualifies for 4% cash back, the calculation would be $250 × 0.04, resulting in $10 in cash back rewards.

This method applies to each eligible purchase, and the total cash back earned will depend on your spending. If you're calculate cash back for a credit card, note that some credit cards may have limits on the amount of spending eligible for 4% cash back, so it's important to check your card's terms and conditions.

4% cash back calculator

Use the 4% cash back calculator to calculate 4% cash back earnings based on any value entered.

Calculator: How much is 4% cash back?

Enter the total cost of the purchase to calculate 4% cash back.
$ Cost
Total Cash Back: $4.00

4% back credit cards

No credit cards offer a flat 4% cash back on all purchases, but several provide 4% back in specific categories.

Here are some credit cards that feature 4% cash back or offer a 4% return on spending through points or miles:

What's the best cash back credit card?

Which cash back credit card is best for you will depend on a large number of factors — how much you spend per month, the type of benefits you're looking for, preferred banks (if any), and more.

Use our cash back credit card calculator to find cards that will earn you the most cash back based on your spending habits and other criteria. You can then click on cards to learn more about them and to see if they fit what you're looking for.

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Calculator Options
Year 1 or Year 2+ Calculations
Year 1 - Calculate how much you will earn in your first year of being a cardmember. Includes Intro Bonuses (if toggled on) and will use the free or reduced first year annual fees for any cards that have them.
Year 2+ - Calculate how much the card will be worth the 2nd year and onward. Automatically turns off intro bonuses and will ignore first year free/reduced annual fees.
Include Intro Bonuses?
If set to yes, intro bonuses will be included for a card's calculation ONLY IF you have met the monthly spend criteria based on what's entered into the tool.
Do note that we do not have intro bonuses for all credit cards and we cannot calculate intro bonuses for some cards due to the complexity of some spend requirements.
Personal Or Business?
Are you looking for personal (consumer) credit card or business credit cards? You can also include both in the results.
Authorized Users
Some banks charge an additional fee to add family, friends, or employees to the credit card account. If you plan on adding authorized users to your credit card(s), you can enter that amount here.
Note: Some credit cards have a cap on how many authorized users you can add. While we do keep track of the fee structures, we do not keep track of caps. So be sure to check the rates and fees before applying.
Max of 100.
Calculate Foreign Transaction Fees?
Many cards will charge you a foreign transaction fee when making purchases in a foreign currency. This is typically between 2.5% and 3% for most credit cards.
If set to yes, we will calculate the estimated fee for any spend entered into the calculator that is considered foreign. This amount will appear in the calculations as well.
Note: We do not have the foreign transaction fee rates for all credit credits.
Enter Your Monthly & Yearly Spend Amounts
Add Categories
Search our database of categories and add them to the calculator. You can select as many categories as you want.

Remove/Set Categories
Remove all categories from the calculator to start fresh or start with a set of popular predefined categories for personal or business spending.
Remove current categories and ADD: Supermarket, Restaurant/Dining, Gas Station, Transit, Travel, Online Shopping, Drugstore, Streaming, Cable, Wireless Phone, and Entertainment.
Remove current categories and ADD: Office Supply Store, Shipping, Advertisement, Gas Station, Restaurant, Phone, Internet, and Cable.
Removes all categories from the calculator.

Mobile Pay Option
The Mobile Pay option () only applies to credit cards that features bonuses or rewards that revolve around using Mobile Pay. When turned on, the category will count for both normal pay AND mobile pay. If a card has nothing to do with Mobile Pay, having it on or off will not make a difference.

Toggles the Mobile Pay option to on for all categories.

Toggles the Mobile Pay option to off for all categories.

Other Options

Clear all of the spend amounts entered into the calculator.

Results Will Appear Here

No Results. This is usually due to:

  • There's no good card options based on the spend entered.
  • The calculator is having a brain-fart and is not calculating rewards properly.

Enter different values or try again later.


Listed below are the results based on what you entered into the tool above. These estimates are to help guide you towards making the best decision when it comes to picking up a rewards credit card.

You can click on "Show Calculations" to see a breakdown of how the rewards were calculated, click on the card itself to learn more/apply through our partners (big thanks if you do!), or click on any of the other links to learn more about the card and it's rewards.

Do note that some of the calculations are rounded so it is possible that the estimated values may be off by a point or two when added up.

Remember that this particular tool uses our point/mile valuations, the intro bonuses we have in the database, and includes the maximum (calculable) bonuses for each card. If you want to have control over these options and much more, slide over to the Rewards Credit Card Directory & Calculator.

These calculations should be used for illustrative purposes only.


What is 4% cash back?

4% cash back means you will earn 4 cents ($0.04) back for every $1 spent.

How do I know what's the best credit card for my spend?

You can use the Credit Card Finder Tool to get a list of the best credit cards based on your spend across categories.

Use Our Calculator To Maximize Your Rewards

Discover personalized credit card options that match your spending habits and maximizes your rewards.

View the highest offers from our partners and input your monthly and yearly spend amounts into our easy-to-use calculator to find the best credit card options for you!