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Choice Hotels Points To Airline Miles

Choice Hotel points can be transferred to 10 airline partners. Every 5,000 Choice Hotels points you transfer will give you 1,000 miles or points with most of their airline partners.
Last Updated: 01-05-2024
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Choice Hotels airline partners

Choice Hotels points can be transferred to the following partner programs:


Calculator: Convert Choice Hotels points to miles

Use our point transfer calculator to determine how many airline miles you will earn when transferring Choice Hotels points to airline partners.

Choice Points Transfer Calculator

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How to transfer Choice Hotels points

You can transfer Choice Points directly to the following programs instantly using their rewards portal:

  • Alaska Airlines Mileage Plan
  • Aeromexico Airlines Club Premier
  • Amtrak Guest Rewards
  • United Airlines MileagePlus
  • Qantas Frequent Flyer
  • Southwest Airlines Rapid Rewards
  • Aeroplan (Air Canada)

In order to transfer Choice Privileges Points to these partner, you'll need to make sure that your profile is set to earn Choice Privileges Points under Manage Loyalty Programs. If it's set to earn airline miles or Amtrak Guest Rewards Points, you will not be able to transfer points.

You can transfer Choice Points by following these steps:

  1. Go to the Choice Rewards Exchange Portal.
  2. Click Transfer Now.
  3. Log into your Choice Privileges Account.
  4. Select the program you want to transfer points to.
  5. Select how many points you want to transfer.
  6. Confirm the transfer.

Transferring To Other Partners

Do note that you cannot use the Choice Hotels exchange portal to transfer points to the following programs:

  • American Airlines AAdvantage
  • Czech Airlines OK Plus
  • Spirit Airlines FREE Spirit
  • New Zealand Air Points
  • Virgin Australia Velocity Frequent Flyer

For these programs, you will need to call Choice Customer Service. Transferring points to these programs will take 2-6 weeks.


How many transfer partners does Choice have?

Choice Points can be transferred to 10 airline partners.

How many Choice Points equals 1 airline mile?

The transfer ratios will vary by airline partner, but the most common ratio is 5 Choice Points for 1 airline mile.

Are transferring Choice Points to partners a good value?

The best value comes from redeeming points for free nights, but transferring points can be good if you need to top off an account.

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