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How Many Drury Rewards Points Do You Earn Per Stay?

Learn how you can earn up to 15 Drury Points per $1 spent at Drury brand hotels and calculate how many you can earn on your next stay.
Last Updated: 01-05-2024
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When staying at Drury brand hotels, you'll be able to earn up to 15 points per $1 spent.

  • Drury Inn and Suites
  • Drury Inn
  • Drury Suites
  • Drury Plaza Hotel
  • Pear Tree Inn

This includes the 10 base points you'll always earn as a member and up to 5 additional points if you use the Drury Rewards Visa Card to pay for your stay.

Method Points Earned Per $1 Spent
Base points 10
Drury credit card 5

How Drury base points are calculated

As a Drury Rewards Member, you will earn 10 Drury Points per $1 spent on the room rate (before taxes). You can earn points on the room occupied by you, plus points on up to two additional rooms paid for by you.

Drury Inn Subtotal
You would earn 7,099 points from this reservation. Points are not earned on taxes.

So if the base rate per night is $150, you would earn 1,500 points per night. If you paid for your room and your companions room at the same rate, you would earn 3,000 points since you would earn 1,500 points per room paid by you (up to 2 rooms).

How Drury credit card points are calculated

In addition to earning base points, you can earn additional points using the Drury Rewards Visa Card. It earns 5 Drury Rewards Points per $1 spent on Drury purchases.

When you use the Drury Rewards Visa to pay for your stay, you will earn points on the full cost of the room including taxes and fees.

Drury Inn Subtotal
You would earn 4,171 points with the Drury Rewards Card and plus the 7,099 base points.

So if the full cost of a stay at a Drury hotel was $250, you would earn 1,250 additional points if you were to use the Drury Rewards Card to pay for the stay. You would also earn base points at the 10X rate on the subtotal of that stay as well.

Credit Card Points Per $1 Spent
Drury Rewards Visa Card 5
The Best Travel Card For Drury Hotels

Capital one miles can be redeemed towards any kind of travel. This includes Drury hotel stays as well as other hotels, airfare, car rentals, tolls, parking and more.

Earn 75,000 bonus miles when you spend $4,000 on purchases in the first 3 months from account opening, equal to $750 in travel.

Drury points per stay calculator

Use the Drury Point Calculator to estimate how many Drury Rewards Points you can earn per stay based on spend and Drury credit cards.

Drury Hotel Cost
Enter the cost of your Drury stay in U.S. dollars. Remember that you will not earn base points on taxes and fees.
Base Cost
Drury Credit Card
If you plan on using the Drury Rewards Visa Card, you can select it from the list.
Drury Brand
All Drury Brands earn at a base rate of 10 Drury Rewards Points per US $1 spent, so there's no need to select a specific brand.
Drury Points Earned
This is the estimated amount of Drury Points you would earn.
Drury Points


How many Drury Points do you earn staying at Drury hotels?

You'll earn a base of 10 Drury Points per $1 spent on the room rate. You will not earn points on taxes and fees.

If you pay with the Drury Credit Card, how many points will you earn?

The Drury Credit Card will earn you an additional 5 points per $1 on top of the 10 base points you'll earn for a total of 15 points per $1 spent.

How many rooms can you earn Drury Points for?

You can earn Drury Points on the room occupied by you and up to two additional rooms paid for by you.

How much are Drury Points worth?

Redeeming Drury Points for free nights will give you slightly over 1 cent in value per point.

How many Drury Points do you need for a free night?

The amount of Drury Points you need will depend on the total cost of the hotel stay (including taxes/fees). A $100 stay would cost you about 10,000 points.

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