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Amazon Business Prime American Express Card

Card Value & Amazon Points Calculator
Amazon Business Prime American Express Card

Earning Rates

  • Earn 5% back on Amazon purchases, includes Amazon Web Services & Amazon Business.
  • Earn 5% back on Whole Food Stores purchases.
  • Earn 2% back on U.S. restaurant, U.S. gas station, and U.S. wireless telephone services.
  • Earn 1% back on all other purchases.

Main Benefits

  • Opt in for 90-day payment term instead of 5% back on Amazon properties.

Rewards Details

  • Points earned with the Amazon Business Prime American Express Card can be used at checkout with Amazon Shop with Points. This allows you to redeem your points at a value of 1 cent each towards purchases.

Our Take

The Amazon Business Prime AMEX Card is a great choice for any business that mainly deals with Amazon purchases. It's the highest cash back earning card for Amazon that also provides a great return on Whole Foods Market purchases as well as a decent return on gas, restaurants, and wireless telephone services.
Page Also Available For: 🇬🇧 UK

Amazon Points Calculator

Calculate how many Amazon Points you can earn with the Amazon Business Prime American Express Card based on the monthly or yearly amounts you enter. Compare the results side by side up to two credit cards to find out which earns you the best return.

Any spend entered into the primary card column (the first column) will carry over to all credit card calculators on the site, so there's no need to re-enter spend when viewing other credit cards.

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