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What's The Value of Barnes & Noble Points?

Calculate the dollar value of Barnes & Noble points when redeemed for purchases made in-store and online using our user-friendly BN Points Value Calculator.
Page Created: 01-30-2024

Quick Overview

  • Barnes & Noble points are worth 1 cent each—100 points is equal to $1 in value.
  • Every 2,500 points you earn is automatically converted into a $25 Barnes & Noble gift card.

Barnes & Noble points value

What's the value of Barnes and Noble points? Barnes & Noble points are worth $0.01 each. Once you accumulate 2,500 points, they are automatically redeemed for a $25 Barnes & Noble gift card.

Redemption options Redemption point value (in cents)
Barnes & Noble gift cards 1

Barnes & Noble Gift Card

Every 2,500 points earned with the Barnes & Noble Mastercard is automatically converted into a $25 Barnes & Noble gift card. However, since the card only earns 1–2 points per dollar, it requires significant spending to reach the redemption threshold.

The card is most beneficial for Barnes & Noble purchases, where you'll receive a 5% discount via a statement credit. For all other purchases, the card is less competitive, as many other credit cards offer 2% or more in rewards, allowing you to earn $25 in value much faster.

Barnes & Noble points to dollars

Use the Barnes and Noble points to dollars calculator to determine the cash value of points earned with the Barnes and Noble Mastercard. The calculator will output the cash value of your points and show you how many $25 Barnes and Noble gift cards you can get out of the points you entered.

Remember that redemptions are automatically processed when you hit 2,500 B&N Points. If your account is closed, all B&N points will be forfeited.

Calculator: How much are your Barnes and Noble points worth?

Enter any amount of Barnes & Noble Rewards points to calculate the dollar value.
Redemption Average Dollar Value
Number of $25 gift cards 0 gift card(s)
Overall value of points $0

Barnes and Noble points redemption value

The table below lists the value of Barnes and Noble points for several denominations when valued at an average of 1 cent per point.

Barnes & Noble points value
Barnes & Noble points Cash value
1 Point $0.01
250 Points $2.50
500 Points $5
1,000 Points $10
2,000 Points $20
2,500 Points $25
5,000 Points $50
7,500 Points $75
10,000 Points $100


How much are Barnes & Noble Points worth?

Barnes & Noble Points are worth 1 cent each.

What can you use Barnes & Noble Points for?

Points are automatically redeemed for a $25 Barnes & Noble gift card when you hit 2,500 points.

How do you earn Barnes & Noble Points?

Barnes & Noble Points can only be used when using the Barnes & Noble Mastercard to make non-Barnes & Noble purchases.

What do you get when you use the Barnes & Noble Mastercard in-store or online with Barnes & Noble?

You'll receive a 5% discount on your purchase. You will not receive Barnes & Noble Points.

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