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Athleta Rewards Points Value Calculator

Find out how much your Athleta Rewards points are worth when redeemed for Athleta and Gap merchandise using our Athleta Rewards Points Value Calculator.
Page Created: 02-05-2024
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Athleta Rewards points value

Athleta points are worth 1 cent each meaning that every 100 points you earn can be redeemed for a $1 reward at Gap family of brands. This includes in-store or online purchases with Athleta, Banana Republic, Gap, and Old Navy.

Points can also be converted to dollars to donate to select organizations at the same rate of 100 points = $1 donation dollar.

Redemption options Redemption point value (in cents)
Athleta redemptions 1

Athleta points will expire after 12 months if you do not make a purchase in the 12 months after earning them. So be sure to make at least one purchase during the year at any Gap family of brand to keep your points from expiring.

Calculator: Convert Athleta points to dollars

Use the Athleta Points Value calculator to determine the cash value of Athleta points when redeemed at Gap brand stores or donated to charity.

Athleta Points Value Calculator

Enter any amount of Athleta Rewards points to calculate the dollar value.
$ Per Year
Redemption Average Dollar Value
Redeeming points in-store or online at Gap brand stores $0
Donating points to charity $0


How much are Athleta Rewards points worth?

Athleta points are worth 1 cent each. Every 100 points is equal to $1 in cash value.

What can you use Athleta Rewards points for?

Athleta Rewards points can be redeemed in-store and online with Athleta, Old Navy, Banana Republic, and Gap.

Does Athleta rewards expire?

Athleta Rewards will expire within 12 months of earning them if there is no activity on your account during those 12 months.

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