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Walgreens Cash Rewards Calculators

Calculate Walgreens credit card earnings per dollar spent and more using our Walgreens Cash Rewards Calculators.
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Quick Overview

Earning Walgreens Cash

Walgreens Cash can be earned spending in-store and online as a myWalgreens member. You can also earn Walgreens Cash when you use a myWalgreens Credit Card.

Redeeming Walgreens Cash

Walgreens Cash rewards that you earn can be applied towards transactions made at Walgreens.

Walgreens Cash Value

Walgreens Cash is worth face value. This means that $1 in Walgreens Cash is equal to $1 in value spent with Walgreens, Duane Reade, and

Walgreens Cash Restrictions

There is no limit to how much Walgreens Cash you can earn, but you can only use up to $50 in Walgreens Cash per transaction and up to $100 in Walgreen Cash per day.

myWalgreens Credit Cards

Use our Walgreens credit card calculators to calculate total Walgreens Cash and overall card value based on the spend amounts you enter, how much you value card benefits, and any annual fees the cards may have. Compare results side-by-side up to two additional credit cards from any issuer.

myWalgreens Mastercard
myWalgreens Mastercard
  • Earn 1% - 10% back in Walgreens Cash.
  • Earn Walgreens Cash outside of Walgreens and Duane Reade.
  • $0 annual fee.
myWalgreens Credit Card
myWalgreens Credit Card
  • Earn 5% - 10% back in Walgreens Cash.
  • $0 annual fee.