Welcome to the best credit card finder tool for calculating which credit cards will earn you the most points, miles, and cash back rewards. Jump To Credit Card Finder Tool
Use this tool to find the credit cards based on category or for a specific rewards program.
Click on a card to learn more about it through our partners (when applicable) or use the rewards calculator to dive deeper into the calculations and compare the results along side any credit card of your choosing.
The Rewards Calculator on this page can be used to find out which credit cards will earn you the most rewards based on the spend amounts you enter and the calculator options. The results will include all credit cards based on the category or rewards program you selected in the top half of the tool.
Do note that this calculator uses our average point/mile valuations, the intro bonuses we have in the database, and includes the maximum (calculable) bonuses for each card.
If you want Advanced Filter Tools and Customization Options including the ability to select which cards to calculate rewards for, change point/mile values, toggle and alter the value of bonuses, and much more, check out our Rewards Credit Card Directory & Calculator Tool.
Input your monthly and yearly spend amounts into our calculator to find out which credit cards will earn you the most rewards and best return on your spend.
Results will include all of the credit cards listed in the section above. They will be sorted by estimated card value with featured cards appearing first (if applicable).
Toggles the Mobile Pay option to on for all categories.
Toggles the Mobile Pay option to off for all categories.
Clear all of the spend amounts entered into the calculator.
No Results. This is usually due to:
Enter different values or try again later.
Listed below are the results based on what you entered into the tool above. These estimates are to help guide you towards making the best decision when it comes to picking up a rewards credit card.
You can click on "Show Calculations" to see a breakdown of how the rewards were calculated, click on the card itself to learn more/apply through our partners (big thanks if you do!), or click on any of the other links to learn more about the card and it's rewards.
Do note that some of the calculations are rounded so it is possible that the estimated values may be off by a point or two when added up.
Remember that this particular tool uses our point/mile valuations, the intro bonuses we have in the database, and includes the maximum (calculable) bonuses for each card. If you want to have control over these options and much more, slide over to the Rewards Credit Card Directory & Calculator.
These calculations should be used for illustrative purposes only.