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Carnival® World Mastercard®

Card Value & FunPoints Calculator
Carnival® World Mastercard®

Earning Rates

  • Earn 2X FunPoints® for every dollar spent on any purchases with Carnival Cruise Line AND with the brands of the World’s Leading Cruise Lines.
  • Earn 1X FunPoint® for every dollar spent on all other purchases.

Main Benefits

  • Get 10% back as a statement credit for Carnival shore excursions and no foreign transaction fees on international purchase.

Rewards Details

Our Take

If you're a frequent Carnival cruise-goer, the Carnival® World Mastercard® might be worth considering for its access to the Carnival FunPoints program. However, it's important to note that the rewards aren't as impressive as other credit cards on the market. While you can save 10% on shore excursions booked before a cruise and redeem points at high value for net purchases of $1,500 or more with Carnival, there are other cards that offer better rewards and can help you earn a free cruise faster.
Carnival Credit Card FunPoints Calculators

FunPoints Calculator

Calculate how many FunPoints you can earn with the Carnival Mastercard and the cash value of those points. Results can be compared side by side any U.S. credit cards featured on the site.

Any spend entered into the primary card column (the first column) will carry over to all credit card calculators on the site, so there's no need to re-enter spend when viewing other credit cards.

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