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Expedia Rewards Points Calculators

Travel Rewards Calculators
Calculate how many Expedia Points you can earn booking travel and spending with credit cards, and the cash value of Expedia Points based on redemption.
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The Expedia Rewards program is now One Key. These articles reflects the (now) old Expedia Rewards program.
Quick Overview

Earning Expedia Points

Expedia Rewards points are earned booking travel through Expedia.

Redeeming Expedia Points

Expedia Rewards Points can be redeemed at checkout towards eligible hotels, car rentals, activities, and flights. Points can also be redeemed for Reward Coupons which is a Flight + Hotel package.

Expedia Points Value

Expedia points are worth 1 cent apiece for all redemptions. This means 100 points is equal to $1 in value with Expedia.

Expedia Rewards Points Calculators & Guides

Calculator: Expedia Rewards Points Value

View the list of redemption options for Expedia Rewards points and calculate the dollar value.

Point Value Calculator
The Rundown On Expedia Rewards Benefits By Status Level

Covers the benefits of earning Expedia Blue, Silver, and Gold Status. Learn how to qualify for each status level and get the perks of each.
