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How Much Will It Cost You To Buy United Miles?

Purchasing United miles can be a great way to top up your account for your next trip. Use our calculator to see how much it will cost you.
Last Updated: 12-29-2023
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If you're a few miles short of a great redemption, you can buy United Miles directly from their Buy Points portal. This will instantly add United Miles to your account.

United miles cost

United Miles will cost you 3.5 cents per mile along with a 7.5% tax recovery fee. So overall, United Miles will cost you around 3.76 cents per mile.

United Miles Cost
Miles Purchased Cost Per Mile
2,000 - 175,000 Miles 3.5 Cents

How many United miles can you purchase?

You can purchase as little as 2,000 United Miles for $70 and as many as 175,000 United Miles for $6,125. You can purchase up to 175,000 United Miles per calendar year.

Base Cost Per Mile 3.5 Cents
Taxes? 7.5% Tax Recovery Fee. GST/HST is charged to Canadian residents.
Min Purchase Per Transaction 2,000 Miles
Max Purchase Per Transaction 175,000 Miles
Max Miles Per Calendar Year 175,000 Miles

Do note that purchasing United Miles do not count towards elite status requirements.

Use Our Calculator To Maximize Your United Miles

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Buy United miles calculator

Use the Cost Calculator to determine how much it will cost you to purchase United Miles at the standard rate of 3.5 cents each plus tax.

Do note that the cost of United Miles can change at any time, so be sure to double check the price on the United site before you make your purchases.

Enter any amount of United Miles to calculate the estimated cost to purchase.
Cost of Miles $0
7.5% Tax Recover Fee $0
Total Cost $0

How to buy United miles

  1. Head over to United's Buy Miles page.
  2. Log into your United MileagePlus account.
  3. Select how many United Miles you want to purchase.
  4. Enter your payment information.
  5. Review the purchase details and agree to the terms and conditions.
  6. Click Purchase Now.

United Miles will usually post to your account immediately, but it can take up to 48 hours.


How much does it cost to buy United Miles?

United Miles will cost you 3.75 cents per mile (plus tax).

How many United Miles can you buy?

You can buy up to a total of 175,000 United Miles per calendar year.

How do you buy United Miles?

You can buy miles by visiting the Buy United Miles portal.

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