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Bilt Rewards Points To Hyatt Calculator

Calculate your Bilt Rewards Points to Hyatt conversions effortlessly with our user-friendly calculator.
Last Updated: 12-31-2023
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Bilt to Hyatt transfer ratio

Bilt Rewards points can be transferred to the World of Hyatt program at a rate of 1:1 meaning every 1,000 Bilt Rewards points you transfer will give you 1,000 Hyatt points. With Hyatt points being easily worth 2 cents per point, this makes them one of the best partners for easy high value redemptions for Bilt Rewards.

Here's how Bilt Rewards compares to Hyatt's other major credit card transfer partners:

Hyatt Major Transfer Partners
Program Ratio
Bilt Rewards 1,000 Bilt points to 1,000 Hyatt points
Chase Ultimate Rewards 1,000 Chase points to 1,000 Hyatt points

Calculator: Convert Bilt points to Hyatt points

Use our Point Transfer Calculator to determine how many Hyatt points you'll earn when transferring Bilt Rewards points to World of Hyatt.

Bilt Points To Hyatt Points Calculator

Enter any amount of Hyatt points to calculate the transfer of rewards from Bilt to the World of Hyatt program.
Bilt Rewards Points
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Transfer Bilt points to Hyatt using these credit cards

There is only one credit card currently available in the Bilt Rewards program that you can use to earn Bilt Rewards points transferable to Hyatt:

Credit Card Highlights
Bilt Mastercard®
Bilt Mastercard®
  • Earn 3X points on dining.
  • Earn 2X points on travel.
  • Earn 1X points on rent payments, up to 100,000 points per year.
  • Earn 1X points on all other purchases.
  • Enjoy cell phone coverage and travel coverage including trip cancellation and interruption insurance.
  • No annual fee and no foreign transaction fees.


Can Bilt Rewards points be transferred to World of Hyatt?

Yes. Bilt Rewards points can be transferred to the World of Hyatt program at a 1:1 ratio.

What's the Bilt Rewards points to Hyatt points transfer ratio?

Every 1,000 Bilt Rewards points you transfer to World of Hyatt will give you 1,000 Hyatt points.

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