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GameStop Points Value Calculator

Easily determine the value of your GameStop Rewards points using our user-friendly points to dollars calculator.
Page Created: 02-02-2024
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GameStop Rewards points can be redeemed for coupons redeemable with GameStop.

GameStop points value

GameStop Rewards points are worth 0.1 cents each ($0.001). Every 5,000 points you redeem is equal to a $5 reward redeemable with GameStop.

Redemption options Redemption point value (in cents)
GameStop redemptions 0.1

Do note that GameStop points expire one year from the date of accumulation. They will also expire if your Pro membership ends.

Calculator: GameStop points to dollars

Use our GameStop points value calculator to determine the dollar value of any amount of GameStop points based on the redemption value of 0.1 cents per point. This will let you know how much your points are worth.

GameStop Points Value Calculator

Enter any amount of GameStop Rewards points to calculate the dollar value.
Redemption Average Dollar Value
Value of points $0


How much are GameStop Rewards points worth?

GameStop Rewards points are worth 0.1 cents per point ($0.001). Every 5,000 points you redeem are equal to $5 in rewards in-store or online with GameStop.

What's the lowest amount of GameStop points you can redeem?

You can redeem as little as 1,000 GameStop points for a $1 reward.

What can you use GameStop Rewards points for?

GameStop Rewards points can be redeemed for coupons redeemable in-store or online with GameStop.

Does GameStop Rewards points expire?

GameStop Rewards points expire one year after they are earned. They will also expire if your Pro membership ends.

How much is 1,000 GameStop points worth?

1,000 GameStop points are worth $1 in value in-store and online with GameStop.

How much is 10,000 Gamestop points worth?

10,000 GameStop points are worth $10 in value in-store and online with GameStop.

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