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How is Kohl's Cash Calculated & How Much Will You Earn?

Discover how Kohl's Cash is calculated and use our convenient calculator to determine how much you can earn.
Page Created: 02-05-2024
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The Kohl's Rewards program rewards you for shopping in-store or online with Kohl's. When you sign up for the free program, you'll be able to earn Kohl's Cash on your purchases as well as receive additional savings and perks throughout the year.

How Kohl's Cash is calculated

There are three main pieces to earning Kohl's Cash: being a Kohl's Rewards member, shopping during Kohl's Cash periods, and using the Kohl's credit card.

Kohl's Rewards

As a Kohl's Rewards member, you'll earn rewards on purchases made in-store and online with Kohl's. You'll earn 5% back in Kohl's Rewards on every purchase, every day and those earnings will be added to your Kohl's Rewards balance within a day or two of your purchase.

On the first of the following month, your earned Kohl's Rewards will be converted and issued as Kohl's Cash in $5 increments. Left over Kohl's Rewards will remain in your account and will be counted towards the next month's earnings.

Kohl's Cash Period

On top of earning 5% back in Kohl's Rewards on your purchases, you'll earn $10 in Kohl's Cash for every $50 you spend when shopping during a Kohl's Cash earn period. These periods are typically the best time to shop at Kohl's since you'll be earning a significant return on your spending.

Kohl's credit card

Kohl's offers one co-branded credit card that allows you to earn bonus Kohl's Cash on your purchases. When using it in-store or online for Kohl's purchaes, you'll earn an additional 2.5% in Kohl's Cash. This gives you a total of 7.5% in Kohl's Cash altogether when you combine Kohl's Rewards and the Kohl's credit card.

In addition to earning extra Kohl's Cash, you'll also receive Most Valued Customer (MVC) status which grants a birthday gift and monthly free shipping events. So if you frequently shop with Kohl's, you may want to consider picking up their co-branded card.

Calculator: How Much Kohl's cash will you earn?

Use our Kohl's Cash calculator to find out how much Kohl's Cash you can earn on your purchases.

Kohl's spending
Enter how much you spend in-store or online at Kohl's.
Kohl's Credit Card
Are you using the Kohl's Credit Card to pay for your purchases?
Kohl's Cash Period
Is this spending during a Kohl's Cash period?
Estimated Rewards
Below is the estimated amount of Kohl's Cash and Kohl's Rewards you would earn based on the spend entered.
Kohl's Rewards Earned
5% Back on Kohl's Purchases
Kohl's Card Rewards Earned
2.5% Back with the Kohl's Card
Amount Converted to Kohl's Cash
$5 Kohl's Rewards Increments
Kohl's Cash Period Bonus
Earn $10 Kohl's Cash Every $50 Spent
Total Kohl's Cash Earned $0


What is Kohl's Cash?

Kohl's Cash is the rewards currency of the Kohl's Rewards program. Kohl's Cash can be earned spending in-store and online with Kohl's.

How much Kohl's Cash do you earn spending with Kohl's?

When you spend in-store or online with Kohl's, you'll earn 5% back in Kohl's Rewards on every purchase. You can earn an additional 2.5% using the Kohl's credit card.

Does Kohl's Cash expire?

Yes. Kohl's Cash is good for 30 days. The redemption dates for Kohl's Cash is specified on the coupon and cannot be used before or after the listed redemption period.

Do you need the Kohl's Credit Card to earn Kohl's Rewards and Kohl's Cash?

No. You can sign up for a Kohl's Rewards account and begin to earn Kohl's Cash without the Kohl's credit card.

Can you earn additional Kohl's Rewards with the Kohl's credit card?

Yes. You will earn an additional 2.5% in Kohl's Cash with the Kohl's credit card. That's a total of 7.5% back in Kohl's Cash.

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